Copyright 2008- 2022 Ralph Lauer. All rights reserved. None of the images on these pages, digitally imbedded images or text, is part of the public domain. Copying or reproducing any without previous permission is prohibited. Questions and information on usage, fees and similar images please contact

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Beach Party

  Proof that sand between your toes gets everyone in the mood for a party. Our pups Alfie and Rosie met a dog on the beach in Frankfort, Michigan
along the shores of Lake Michigan and instantly started to play. In no time at all they were making Conga lines and rolling in the sand. Instant party even without the beach umbrella drinks.
Doggie line dancing.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Road Tripping

  Well guess where we went on our summer vacation? Since it was Alfie's first he had to do something easier to learn the rhythms of the road. Rosie started by drinking from the fountain in the middle of Belle Isle in Detroit. She forgot her passport so she could not visit Windsor. Then the road took them to the shores of Lake Michigan and Alfie carried stick that he claimed were logs felled by Paul Bunyan and Rosie tried to raise the water level. All in all a great trip and the adults even survived.