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Friday, February 22, 2019

Birds of Spring

  The feeder is filling with arriving guests, The cars are covered with black berry excrement and the drumming on the hard wood trunks of trees is incessant. All of it is just a joy to me however since it means the return of the migrating birds and with it comes spring.
A pair of Pine Warblers share the sunflower seeds at the feeder.
A cedar waxwing looks for more ammunition to bomb the car.

A snowy Woodpecker gets a treat after banging the trunk all day.

Friday, February 8, 2019

Blooming Blooms

  Indications of an impending spring appearance abound whenever you step outside. The red Quince has turned into a glowing bush of flame amidst the neutrals of bare trees and flower beds. The first vibrant scenes of the soon to be outbreak of color.
The first blankets of color.

Thursday, February 7, 2019

A Rush of Spring Flight

   The latest indication of the approaching spring thaw is the rush of flittering in the trees over ones head. Flashes of color and chirps, twitters and tappings abound all around. The noises of a fresh rush of birds returning from their southerly migrations has started to fill the branches of the elms, pecans and maples that abound around the house. Myself, I find it a very pleasant sound indeed.
A cedar wax wing takes a leap of faith that spring will be here shortly.

A palliated woodpecker taps for insects.