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Monday, February 25, 2013

Moon Rising

As a big moon rises, it tells us all we need to get home. It might be the impending dark and the boogie monster that is cloaked by the lack of light, hiding in the shadows. So we all run for cover, even the cormorants that spend their nights roosting in trees along the banks of the Trinity River. 

When the moon is full it keeps the dark from being scary, but the spooky light makes up for the change.
Just look out for what comes thru the trees.

Thursday, February 14, 2013


Lizard in brown

same lizard in green
Forgot your lucky green shirt for Saint Patty's Day. Maybe you feel a little under dressed at that business social that mentions casual on the invitation and every one shows up in a suit or formal dresses. Enough to make you want to crawl in a corner, but have no fear. With your new lizard skin  you could swap clothes as fast as the green anole  lizard, you just have to think about it and you're in a new coat. As the surrounding changes colors, so does the color of the skin. Shades ranging from dark brown to a vivid green all as you watch, and of course he watches you hoping that you're not just gonna pluck him up and eat him for a late afternoon snack.