I finally downloaded a camera card that had been hanging around a while, almost like those old film canisters you find by accident. Been in a drawer for years, have no idea where it came from. Not a clue what is on the film or even which camera it came out of. Just been hanging around, waiting for some Sherlock Holmes wannabe to try and figure out the novel.
Then the anticipation while you wait for processing, you imagine what is on there. Hoping it isnt some nudie pics form when you were a kid, or something just as embarassing from a more recent party. You think back if you really wore a lamp shade at New Years or maybe those stories about a streaking escapade were actually true.
With the new digital age I guess those multi year waits are over but even a couple of months can cloud the memory and you really have no idea what you've got. Pleasant surprise to see old Kimo grinning at me from a field of Indian Paintbrushes. Now tell me that look doesn't say I know something you don't. It is those simple things that really give life all its pleasure.
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