One more example that dogs know more than we people do. My dog Kimo has perfected the art of relaxing. Does not matter where; in the front seat of the car, on the couch, in a grassy field with a beautiful view, or in the middle of the living room floor. He can sleep soundly in all of those positions.
It is not just where he sleeps, but how. Some of the most contorted positions that just could not be comfortable, and he is out like a light. Head propped up on an armrest, neck bent at a crazy angle. He hangs his head off the couch, if we humans did it there would be permanent cricks in necks and blood rushes with disorientation, but not Kimo the lounging dog.
Completely comatose, with a smile on his lips, probably dreaming of chasing a squirrel thru the trees. Im sure in these dreams he can climb trees like a cat and fly from limb to limb with the best of them. Not a single furry critter able to escape his stealthy abilities.
Is it that a dogs life is so simple and ours so complex that gives them the ability to completely relax or is it just that they really are a more advanced culture? One of those difficult conundrums that science has no answers for.
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