One of the fringe benefits of taking pictures for other people is that you end up in situations and places that you never expect. Don't think I would have opted to go to the W Hotel and hang out by the pool on my own, but a little coaxing with a check book and look where I spent my evening. Some times the best pictures have nothing at all to do with what you are getting paid to do.
Tonight was one of those instances. I looked away from the crowd in front of me for an instant and completely unnoticed is a gorgeous sunset over West Dallas reflected in the pool on the W Hotel's rooftop. Textured clouds with a wonderful mix of pinks, yellows and reds with an inky blue background for contrast.
It made a great view with the reflection in the pool of the colors and most of the people at the function thought the cloths were the main attraction. Just one more example that we should all look around a bit more and notice the little things that surround us every day.