Anyone that follows the wild and wooly adventures of my dog Kimo probably thinks he loves going out doors and running up and down trails. Getting rolled in the mud or snow while seeing the better part of his half of the world excites him like a glimpse of a morsel of steak. The big draw back, especially from his perspective apparently is having to do it with me. He usually covers it up pretty well, a quick glance away. A snort under his breath and a shrug of his shoulders as he nonchalantly marches along. Every now and then he lets it slip though, these looks of "what the hell do you mean I have to climb up there with you?" I pointed out to him where I wanted to skin up on pyramid peak and this is the look he gives me. Guess he told me since shortly there after he turns and runs back to the car in the parking lot to wait for my return. So much for having a climbing buddy.
He said you didn't give him a snack or he might have continued on with you!