The grass is freshly cut to that height that just tickles the toes on a day without shoes. It is warm enough that you get the comforting glow from the suns penetrating rays. After a long winter under sweaters and coats it feels glorious on the skin. Soothing, relaxing, mellow. This needs a cool brew to keep the heat from building.
In the distance there is a crack like a metronome on slow motion. You can just make out a netting between the hurler with his fluid whip on the mound and a quick snap of the batter on the ball that flies in your direction. Even in batting practice the swing makes you take notice. Quick, solid and unwavering. Later in the day as the actual game wears on that snap from the shoulders makes everyone shudder. That is why manager Ron Washington will decide to throw around him at two of his at bats. The two sets of pitches he does face, he knocked over the fence with deadly accuracy ruining the day for loads of Ranger fans.
His name is Albert Pujols and he still makes pitchers shudder. Grins like a kid when he makes contact. As you watch the ball arch it seems to defy gravity. Even the die hard fans of the opposing team marvel at the strength and consistency.
It is spring and with that comes baseball and big kids like Albert playing a game just for fun. Just too bad for Ranger's fans on this day Albert gets to grin the most.
Albert Pujols celebrates his second home run for the day. |
Albert Pujols hits a a two run blast in the first inning. |
Pierzynski tags out Howard Kendrick. |
Angels Peter Bourjas can not grab David Murphy hit. |