Yesterday I ended up in one of those photographic situations that always seems to make my palms sweat and knees knock, fingers fumble and warrant an extra swipe of deodorant. Shooting pictures of another photographer! All those scenarios run thru your head, are they gonna see I cant focus, question the background you choose, wonder why you are not using a softbox instead of an umbrella. There are a whole myriad of questions and dilemas and they all start rushing thru your head.
I dont know if it makes it any easier when they are friends you have known for a long time, but my saving grace was that the real story was a dog. See there is this book coming out that photographer David Woo and his wife Susie have created titled Top Dogs, basic premise being leaders in their fields and their pets. It includes famous people from all over the country such as both Bush presidents, actors, journalist, fashion designers etc. even the famous dog trainer Cesar Milan.
David has this really precious Basset hound named Chester who gave me enough of a distraction that worrying about he and his wife was the least of my problems. Turns out that David was probably as nervous as I was and all for naught. Great people and the dog was just a ham. Just goes to show that you can get so worked up about nothing. Thanks for everything and best luck with the book David.