So this morning I hear that the Department of Public Safety closed down the interstates and major highways in the far northwest part of Texas due to a massive blizzard. Having just driven thru that part of the country brings back memories of big skies, waving grasslands that stretch to the horizon and some of the most beautiful colors in a sunset possible. I realize there are probably people stuck in snowdrifts along that part of highway now and it doesn't look anything like that. Never ceases to amaze me how quickly the weather can change.
Also makes me appreciate car travel. Over the years of trips I've taken, and in every direction I have gone, it is awe inispiring the landscapes I have seen and would have completely missed had I been in an airplane. Untold sunrises, sunsets, scenic vistas and crazy weather passed outside the windows of the car I was riding in. I couldn't count the numbers of cookies, sodas and other junk food that were consumed in all those miles. Looking back on it though, I would not trade them for anything because they make the time spent at the destination that much more special and the memories of the trips so much more colorful. So at this point I hoist my mug for a toast to the cars wind screen and may it continue to be my movie screen even if there is no script to go by.