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Saturday, August 17, 2013

Pair of Vandals

Troublemakers wondering how to push the nozzle on a paint can.
  Some days I spend lots of time having to dig thru images from days past. It can be long and time consuming and in lots of instances it results in nothing fruitfull. But once in a while I come across something long forgotten that makes me laugh or I see something in it that was missed before.
   Such was the discovery this morning. Looking for old images that a client had misplaced, I came across a picture of our two traveling companions Kimo and Yodi. All in all pretty good mutts, not too demanding, can hold bladders with the best of them. They each have a few quirks though, Yodi likes to bark at everything in his belief that he is guarding use from dangers, Kimo is pretty quiet but can get really territorial about his domain.

  I accuse them constantly of being troublemakers, but after I saw this photo of the pair at Cadillac near Amarillo, Texas on a trip a few years ago I realized how appropriate the title and picture really were. A bunch of cars vandalized with paint, the two of them sitting amongst the tools of the vandals trade. Of course the culprits are avoiding any eye contact, Yodi is even hiding behind his big brother.

  Just so appropriate, bunch of vandals caught red handed and still will not admit to their dirty deeds

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Beach Trip

  The very first road trip I ever took with my traveling buddy he was only a couple of months old and we went to the beach in Corpus Christi. It really opened his eyes wide as he ran along the stretch of sand and dug holes chasing crabs. The water intrigued him but even the little waves along shore scared him to death. It may be why he still is afraid of waves on shores.
  We went back for a few days this week, he still loves sitting in the sand and getting dirty but with a few more years under his belt he does not chase nearly as many birds down the beach. He may just be spoiled by traveling to the cold waters of California for the past couple of years, I know I prefer sitting on a beach when the temperatures are only in the 80's rather than the 100's but the allure of salt water and sand can still get me to drive crazy distances. A little wind for kiting and waves to surf and everything is just grand.